Yesterday I got a sort of crazy idea: "What if I could make my oscilloscope hardcopy to email instead of the broken built-in printer?". As it turns out, the LeCroy 93xx series is capable of both accepting remote control commands and dumping hardcopies to the same RS-232-C bus - write 'SCREEN_DUMP' and it will dump it in the same session, pretty sweet.
The 93xx series features quite a lot of output formats ranging from BMP and all the way to some odd format called HP 7550 which I assume is before my time - BMP and TIFF sadly taking 40 seconds at 19200 baud to fully process. HP 7550 took around 9 seconds, but after some googling I gave up on that format - it seemed to be very troublesome to get something working with that format. Finally I settled for the compressed TIFF format (12 seconds @ 19200 baud) - the problem was that the file received from the oscilloscope was not something libtiff gladly wanted to process.
When I gave the file to imagemagick's identify program, it didn't want to play along.
Fair enough. I tried to open it in Photoshop which to my great surprise actually worked - which meant that all the data was available but the format was corrupted.
Libtiff was helpful enough to provide me with a number: 70992 and 26911 - 70992 is located as a long at 0x7E in the TIFF header, but what about 26911? Replacing 70922 with 26911 fixed this one TIFF, but I needed to know how to calculate this number. This is where the utility called exiftool comes along.
Some quick math: file_size - 26911 = 1746 (Strip Offsets). In reality I did check how libtiff calculates the error message's "expect" value and then verified it with exiftool, but you get the idea.
This script has evolved and now contains an SMTP function which sends the hardcopy as a color and B/W attachment (PNG format) to my email when I press "Screen dump". Pretty neat if I may say so myself.
The 93xx series features quite a lot of output formats ranging from BMP and all the way to some odd format called HP 7550 which I assume is before my time - BMP and TIFF sadly taking 40 seconds at 19200 baud to fully process. HP 7550 took around 9 seconds, but after some googling I gave up on that format - it seemed to be very troublesome to get something working with that format. Finally I settled for the compressed TIFF format (12 seconds @ 19200 baud) - the problem was that the file received from the oscilloscope was not something libtiff gladly wanted to process.
When I gave the file to imagemagick's identify program, it didn't want to play along.
# identify -verbose filecomp.tiff
Image: filecomp.tiff
Format: TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
Class: DirectClass
Geometry: 816x696+0+0
Resolution: 121.791x148.085
Print size: 6.7x4.7
Units: PixelsPerInch
Type: Bilevel
Base type: Bilevel
Endianess: MSB
Colorspace: RGB
Rendering intent: Undefined
Interlace: None
Background color: white
Border color: rgb(223,223,223)
Matte color: grey74
Transparent color: black
Compose: Over
Page geometry: 816x696+0+0
Dispose: Undefined
Iterations: 0
Compression: RLE
Orientation: TopLeft
date:create: 2011-03-09T17:48:01+01:00
date:modify: 2011-03-09T17:48:01+01:00
signature: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
tiff:photometric: min-is-white
tiff:rows-per-strip: 696
verbose: true
Tainted: False
Filesize: 28.7KB
Number pixels: 568KB
Pixels per second: 0b
User time: 0.010u
Elapsed time: 0:01.000
Version: ImageMagick 6.6.0-4 2010-11-16 Q16
identify: incorrect count for field "ColorMap" (768, expecting 6); tag trimmed. `filecomp.tiff' @ warning/tiff.c/TIFFWarnings/703.
identify: filecomp.tiff: Read error on strip 0; got 26911 bytes, expected 70992. `TIFFFillStrip' @ warning/tiff.c/TIFFErrors/493.
Fair enough. I tried to open it in Photoshop which to my great surprise actually worked - which meant that all the data was available but the format was corrupted.
Libtiff was helpful enough to provide me with a number: 70992 and 26911 - 70992 is located as a long at 0x7E in the TIFF header, but what about 26911? Replacing 70922 with 26911 fixed this one TIFF, but I needed to know how to calculate this number. This is where the utility called exiftool comes along.
# exiftool -g1 -D filecomp.tiff
---- ExifTool ----
- ExifTool Version Number : 8.15
---- System ----
- File Name : filecomp.tiff
- Directory : .
- File Size : 28 kB
- File Modification Date/Time : 2011:03:09 17:48:01+01:00
- File Permissions : rw-r--r--
---- File ----
- File Type : TIFF
- MIME Type : image/tiff
- Exif Byte Order : Big-endian (Motorola, MM)
---- IFD0 ----
255 Old Subfile Type : Full-resolution image
256 Image Width : 816
257 Image Height : 696
258 Bits Per Sample : 1
259 Compression : PackBits
262 Photometric Interpretation : WhiteIsZero
273 Strip Offsets : 1746
277 Samples Per Pixel : 1
278 Rows Per Strip : 696
279 Strip Byte Counts : 70992
282 X Resolution : 121.7910448
283 Y Resolution : 148.0851064
284 Planar Configuration : Chunky
296 Resolution Unit : inches
320 Color Map : (Binary data 1536 bytes, use -b option to extract)
---- Composite ----
- Image Size : 816x696
Some quick math: file_size - 26911 = 1746 (Strip Offsets). In reality I did check how libtiff calculates the error message's "expect" value and then verified it with exiftool, but you get the idea.
import struct
def fix_tiff (f): (0, 2)
file_size = f.tell()
# Get 'Strip Offsets' (0x5A)
real_size = file_size - struct.unpack ('>I', (4))[0]
print 'Patching to', real_size
# Write 'Strip Byte Counts' (0x7E)
f.write (struct.pack ('>I', real_size))
This script has evolved and now contains an SMTP function which sends the hardcopy as a color and B/W attachment (PNG format) to my email when I press "Screen dump". Pretty neat if I may say so myself.
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